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Technique: 'Guard/X Guard/1Leg X Guard/Sweeps - Hook Sweep Variation fro...';
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1Leg X Guard to X Guard

Marcelo helps explain when to transition from Single Leg X to the X-Guard. If you can grab and keep hold of your opponent's far wrist, you can sit up and drive them back for a low amplitude sweep. However, if your opponent is keeping t...
Armdrag Leg Catch Hook Sweep from Butterfly

Marcelo and... Scott?... help Orlando develop kuzushi for his Overhead Sweep off of a Countered Armdrag attempt. If your opponent steps up to block your Armdrag from Seated/Butterfly Guard by stepping his leg up to the outside, grab th...
Hook Lift from 1Leg X Guard

Marcelo helps Yuta improve his Kuzushi from 1-Leg X-Guard. Do not lift your opponent overhead with your inside hook (Reverse De-la-Riva Hook); rather, kick them more to the outside diagonally. Accomplish this by changing your foot posi...
Pumphandle Gi Grip from 1Leg X Guard

Fabio & Ali practice a 1-Leg X-Guard Sweep involving an entanglement with the gi jacket; the opponent's lapel/skirt is fed between the legs and out from behind, where it is held by the hand holding the Single. Marcelo insists on collec...
Hook Sweep Variation from 1Leg X Guard

Marcelo explains to Dominyka the timing and energy necessary to win the sweep after gaining the far sleeve grip in Single-Leg X-Guard.
Posted: 3884 days ago
1 Leg X Guard Sweep, Hook Sweep Variation from 1 Leg X Guard, X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard

Marcelo discusses the connection between the opponent's balance, 1 Leg X Guard Sweeps, and the X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard. Weave between the sweeps to exploit the opponent's balance, until finally connecting the appropriate ...
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