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Category: 'Guard/Closed Guard/Top/Submission Escapes';
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Back Escape vs Armbar from Back Control

Marcelo and George talk about securing and defending against an Armbar from the Back: Your opponent may try to trap you into an armlock if you escape from their back-control. After you break their seat-belt and gain 2on1 control over t...
Breaking Grips vs Closed Guard, Breaking Grips vs Reverse De la Riva Guard

Fabio and Dan help Paul dismantle a dangerous set of Collar-Ties from inside guard: Pummel for inside hand position against your opponent's collar-tie and frame outward and downward as you chase your opponent's hip and cut off their an...
Focusing on Smaller Errors

Marcelo briefly congratulates his team and reminds them of what to work on next: Competing successfully requires knowledge over several hierarchical domains; one must be sound in strategy, tactics, and technique. Each of these specific...
Posted: 543 days ago
Guillotine Escape vs Closed Guard

Marcelo helps Andrew defend and escape from the Guillotine-Choke from Closed-Guard: Ideally, one should defend against the Guillotine as early as possible by tucking your chin, clearing your hips to the side, and fighting your opponent...
Posted: 605 days ago
Breaking Gi Grips vs Closed Guard

Marcelo helps Jimmy avoid trouble inside the Closed-Guard with Hand-Fighting: Letting your opponent gain a grip over your jacket when you are kneeling on top inside their Closed-Guard can become the beginning of the end if you are not ...
Armbar-Defense vs Closed-Guard

Marcelo & Chin discuss how to avoid getting arm-locked inside an opponent's Closed Guard: Don't let your opponent have free control over your sleeve or wrist; if they make a grip on it and you can't immediately free yourself from the c...
Posted: 830 days ago
Triangle Choke Defense

Marcelo describes the triplicate nature of his go-to Triangle Choke Defense for Nogi: Your opponent is oftentimes looking to accomplish three specific goals when attempting to finish a Triangle; (i) breaking your posture by pulling dow...
Posted: 900 days ago
Escaping the Belly-Down Armbar from Half Guard

Marcelo figures out how to help Tony and Marc defend a Belly-Down Armbar from Half Guard. If your arm is well-defended, use your free hand to remove his bottom leg from the Half Guard position to stack him down into N/S. If you have to...
Posted: 3715 days ago
Armbar Escape vs Closed Guard

Follow behind Marcelo as he walks around during lesson drills for the Armbar Escape versus Closed Guard and corrects his students with illuminating detail.
Posted: 3758 days ago
Armbar Escape

Lock your arms and clamp down to neutralize the opponent's extension into the arm bar from guard. Slowly torque your elbow free or continue crunching the opponent if you feel in danger.
Posted: 3834 days ago
Guillotine Escape, Hand-Fighting vs Butterfly, Double Under Control vs Butterfly

Don't miss out on this exclusive, in-depth conversation between two black belt ADCC veterans that was recorded after some solid training. Marcelo recounts some of the weaknesses he found in his 2011 fight with Australian middleweight, ...
Posture Escape vs Triangle, Elbow Control Armbar from Triangle

Marcelo discusses some options from guard after locking for a Triangle. If caught here, you can either choose to escape explosively, but you will need to rely on slipperyness, or incrementally, but protecting your elbow from an armbar....
Armbar Escape from Mount, Armbar Escape vs Closed Guard

Rock your legs for momentum and twist your hips parallel to the ground. Use this movement to get on top, stacking the opponent. Cross your arms and torque your arm free.
Posted: 4476 days ago
Overhook & Wrist Control from Butterfly, Triangle from Butterfly, Triangle Escape vs Closed Guard

Marcelo explains to Tyga that if he doesn't keep his free arm taut against Marcelo's hip while in Overhook & Wrist Control, Marcelo has 3 set-ups for attacking the Triangle; he can pass his leg over the arm, post his foot on the should...
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