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Category: 'Guard/X Guard/X Guard/Transitions';
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X Guard Entry from Hook Sweep

Marcelo briefly discusses with Jeremy about Under-Hook placement: When going directly into the X-Guard from a Hook-Sweep attempt, it is important to hide your neck with your arm when reaching deep underneath for their far-leg; if you l...
Posted: 122 days ago
X Guard Entry from Single Leg Control

Marcelo helps Matty reconfigure his X-Guard from Shin-on-Shin: When setting your X-Hook (an Inverted Reverse Butterfly-Hook) for the X-Guard Position, make sure that your near-side hip is externally rotated so that your knee is placed ...
1Leg X Guard to X Guard

Marcelo & Joel discuss nuances between Single-Leg X and the transition into X-Guard: The order of operations for whether to affix one's legs around their opponent's far keg with X-Hooks before or after pummeling the near-leg with an Un...
Countering a Self-Reap

Paul presents a novel problem to Marcelo and they proceed to troubleshoot for it: Counterintuitively, a standing opponent may opt to forgo resisting the typical pressures asserted from the 1-Leg X-Guard by trying to 'noodle-out' of the...
Posted: 353 days ago
X Guard Reentry vs Takedown Escape

Marcelo imparts important rules for training in his Advanced Class: Participation in class is a team-effort, and involves considering the welfare of everyone sharing the mats together with one another; we all need to properly share bot...
1Leg X Guard to X Guard

Marcelo warns Gianni about the dangers of staying in one guard position for too long: When your opponent is keeping their balance well when you have them placed inside your Single-Leg X, you may need to either keep at breaking their ba...
Heel-Hook Prevention from X-Guard

Marcelo explains to Carlão how he should defend an inside/inverted heel-hook against the X-Guard: If your opponent attempts to control your foot, make it harder for them to capture your heel by keeping your top X-Hook taut again...
Posted: 1182 days ago
Take-Down Sweep from Partial X-Guard Entry

Marcelo and Phil help Brendan better understand his timing for a sweep from guard: Whenever you get underneath your opponent's base for a deep/cross variant of an Open-Guard (i.e., "Partial" X-Guard; "Lagarto"-X, "Over-Hook"-X, "Velvet...
2on1 Control from Butterfly

Marcelo discusses with Savannah several options with 2on1 and their respective contingencies based on posture (opponent kneeling or standing) and control (friction differences within gi or nogi). He prefers to attack the legs when an o...
X Guard Entry

Marcelo and Atos help Bryan understand better options out of Y-Guard; particularly, transitions into X-Guard. He also advocates preventative measures when it comes to avoiding the Half-Mount.
Posted: 1673 days ago
Deep Half Guard Entry

Marcelo helps Tyga find a way to infiltrate the base of a conservative and defensive opponent. One must coordinate both the hands and feet in pulling the opponent forward. Keep your elbows low and tight to your sides as you look to hoo...
Posted: 2419 days ago
Clearing Ties from X-Guard

Marcelo and Gianni demonstrate for Philizinho how to clear an opponent's Collar Ties against X-Guard. Pull the elbow(s) away, extend your hooks, and pull your head back. Claim a wrist after escaping to help with any follow-up sweep.
Breaking Gi Grips from 1Leg X Guard

Marcelo helps Philzinho remove a troublesome grip against his X-Guard: If your opponent grabs your sleeve and pulls you up away from the mat, switch back to his Nearside Leg for 1LX and use your shin to scrape off his hand from your sl...
X-Guard Retention & Recovery Techniques

Marcelo explains high-level retention tactics for keeping the X-Guard against an opponent committed to freeing his back-leg. If he tries to vault over your knee to mat, meet his hip with your hand to ward away his Mount until you can r...
Using Length to enter X-Guard & 1Leg X-Guard

Use your body type in your favor to execute and enter into positions. For Example, transition into X-Guard & 1Leg X-Guard by using the assistance of your longer arms in combination with the extra leverage you can apply with your hooks ...
Posted: 3889 days ago
X Guard Entry from Spiral Guard

Marcelo coaches a student interested in transitioning from Reverse De La Riva Guard to the X-Guard via Inversion. He stresses the importance of properly ordering grip switches and off-balancing the opponent before entry.
Posted: 3937 days ago
Breaking Grips from X-Guard, X-Guard Retention vs Back Step Pass

Jon with the help of Rush asks Marcelo about a high-level problem that can occur while playing from X-Guard.
Double Collar Control from Butterfly, Partial X Guard Entry vs Hook Lift Counter

Marcelo solves a problem Philippe has been having when his opponent pinches his Butterfly Hook after getting lifted up with Double Collar Control. Marcelo says to transition to the Partial X-Guard by straightening out one of his hooks ...
Hand Fighting from Butterfly, 2on1, Cross Arm and Belt Control, Double Under Control

Orlando inquires about what to do when his opponent forcefully retracts his arm from a 2on1 Control. Marcelo insists on keeping the Pistol Grip for as long as possible, and reaching for the Cross Arm & Belt Control when the opponent pu...
Deep Half Guard Entry from Butterfly, 1Leg X Guard Entry from Deep Half

Paul asks Marcelo how he should transition to the 1Leg X-Guard when his opponent drops his far knee to the mat. The movement involved in quite similar to what should be done when the other knee is on the mat; you must insert your knee ...
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