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Seat belt Control from Back > Hiplock Stretch vs Hook Defense > Arm Trap from Back > Rear Naked Choke
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2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo traps his opponent's arm when they defend his second hook: If your opponent is protecting herself from letting you insert your second/top hook for Back Mount, apply the Hip-Lock by crossing your feet and stretching her out so that you have enough space to throw your leg inside. If she is hugging her leg, you may need to wiggle your foot through her lap leading with your toes first. If she grabs your foot as you dig in, secure 1on1 wrist control with your underhook and kick onto an Arm Trap. You may have her arm trapped completely behind for a full hook, or just make it under the elbow and raise your knee. [04:31] If your opponent tilts her hips upward back to the Turtle Position, use your knee and elbow to push yourself back on top; don't work to throw in your second hook from here otherwise you run the risk of getting shrugged overhead. Instead, work back to the first series by tilting your opponent back down onto her side to attack. With one arm trapped, use your choking hand to secure the lone wrist as you peel open her neck by cupping the forehead. Whip your choking forearm onto her throat and clasp a Gable Grip to finish with the quick Straight-Choke.

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