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1 Leg X Guard Entry vs Mount
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Marcelo talks about initiative, preemption, mid-transitions and pseudo-positions: Whenever your opponent starts a movement that places you in-between a set of positions, it is best to undo their fabrication before something worse happens. Some grapplers try to find ways of attack that are unorthodox in that they manage to set you into a position that is seemingly at a half-way point between two more commonly nominable positions; e.g. losing top control while holding mount can lead to a leg-locking attack against your feet. A simple bridge followed by a shrimping movement can capture your leg quite easily, particularly if you rest your weight on top in an uncomfortable quasi-mount position. If at any moment you notice being held in a location that doesn't allow you a sense of safety and control, disentangle yourself from the mess and reset back to neutral if necessary. Standing above your opponent, even while "mounted," oftentimes puts you a step behind without a clear idea of the direction forward leading to progress.

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