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Advanced Single-Leg Finishes
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Marcelo explains to Jon various methods for counteracting a highly resistant opponent when attempting to finish a Single-Leg Takedown by Running-the-Pipe: If your opponent is bound and determined to prevent you from keeping them grounded after you hit a Single, step on the gas and answer back with a driving tackle. If they face away from you to stand back up, as many wrestlers do, aim to jump on their back when it is exposed during their attempted escape. If they try to counter you with a Hook-Lift (e.g. Sumigaeshi, Obiotoshi, et al.) and flip you overhead, meet the ground with a back-arch and hold yourself up with a bridge as you drive back into them. Depending on the ruleset, you may not get scored against with an 'Ippon Rule' or High-Amplitude throwing technique if you wind up on top. If things looks bad when trying to stay on top, abandon ship and get out of the move entirely before things get worse.

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