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Breaking Grips from 1Leg X Guard
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Marcelo & Tyga help guide Emily through troubleshooting a set of common problems from 1-Leg X: Whether facing an opponent with or without the gi involved, it is important to deliberately and accurately address the correct sequence of steps necessary to remove your opponent's impositions; once a problem area is confirmed, seek a specific and efficient action to right yourself into a more favorable circumstance. If your opponent is latching onto your neck to help anchor themselves against your initial sweeping direction, remember to clear their grip first and immediately follow-up with an off-balance in a different direction. Depending upon how much control your opponent has, you may need to generate up from smaller oscillations until they begin growing larger with resonance in conjunction with their reactions. Take note of the exact manner and orientation in which your opponent opts to keep your head bounded; you may need to comb-off or even swat at their arm to strip their grip before bouncing them around. If they set a strong gi-grip against your collar, you may need to dedicate both hands and form an axe-handle to swipe and knock away their control; temporarily prevent any re-grasping and immediately start rocking your legs for an attack. Regardless of the exact particulars you face in any given situation, it is important to cultivate a sense of problem-solving that invokes either creating a readily actionable plan that is based on a general heuristic, or a step-by-step algorithmic approach that accurately prioritizes the resolution of each layer of your opponent's assembled response.

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Breaking Gi Grips from 1Leg X Guard:
Instructionals (7)
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1Leg X Guard Sweep from 1Leg X Guard:
Instructionals (96)
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