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Guillotine Choke from Side Control
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Marcelo briefly reminds Orlando of the importance of properly learning the Guillotine-Choke: Snap your forearm onto your opponent's exposed neck and clasp your hands together as quickly as possible; the moment your opponent's chin is open for the attack, cleanly loop your arm around their neck and secure the lock with a Seat-Belt Grip (a thumbless palm on backfist, a.k.a Ball-n-Socket, Reverse Cup-n-Saucer, et al). Give yourself ample time and space to maneuver into the strangle by anticipating your windows of opportunity, e.g. when your opponent protects themself from back-exposure by turning away, or if you relinquish control over their back by letting go of Seat-Belt Control from Turtle. Remember to practice on lower belts until you can get a better handle on the timing of these openings when you hunt for the Back.

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