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Hand Fighting vs 2on1 Control from Butterfly Guard
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Marcelo quickly teaches Victor a simple solution to a common problem: When applying 2-on-1 Control onto your opponent's sleeve, it is important not to let their hand reach your collar; use your control to help flick their wrist underneath your Pistol-Grip so that the back of their hand meets your own. Making this small adjustment when entering into the 2on1 can buy you the necessary time to setup an attack without your opponent stifling your ability to manipulate their arm. Conversely, if you are the recipient of the 2on1-Control, don't allow your opponent to deflect your hand away from an anchor point. If you cannot readily break free from their grips, immediately make your own grip somewhere on the same-side of their body; whether that be onto their collar, lapel, or even alongside their pants at the knee or ankle. Once can facilitate this counter by using your free-hand to pass your opponent's collar directly into your trapped hand so that you can retain balance and avoid getting your arm crossed past center-line.

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