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Under Hook and Head Control Bridge Sweep from Half Guard
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Marcelo goes over details with Tyga for an important move from the Half-Guard: The Knee-Lever (a.k.a. Twist-Sweep, The Giggler, 'John Wayne' Sweep, et al.) is a crucial movement to learn from the Half-Guard position on bottom. Against an advanced opponent, you may not be able to use the Knee-Lever to sweep them consistently; however, executing the off-balance hard enough will oftentimes force your opponent to let go over their top control in order to preserve their base, thus giving you the much needed time and space to chain it into a recovery or different attack. Bring your outside-foot of your top-leg inside between your opponent's knees and push off the mat with a bridge powered by the central bottom-side foot (i.e. the leg acting previously as the effective hook for Half-Guard). Lock onto your opponent's head and arm with a Gable-Grip and keep your under-hooking elbow high away from their ribs. The orientation of your grip matters significantly; your under-hooking hand should be placed with the palm facing yourself, as if grabbing onto a bar for a pull-up (as opposed to a chin-up with your palms facing away toward the bar). Doing so recruits not only your back musculature, but also links together the power from your biceps in a kinetic chain to help keep your opponent close enough for a greater chance to successfully sweep and stay on top.

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Under Hook and Head Control Bridge Sweep from Half Guard:
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