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Category: 'Guard/Open Guard/Bottom/Sweeps';
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Hand-Fighting from Open-Guard, De-La-Riva Guard Sweep

Marcelo & Ryan discuss grip-fighting from an Open-Guard: Getting into your offensive game from bottom position is largely a matter of mindfully tracking your opponent's hands and finding a way to momentarily dominate them before they c...
2on1 Control from Closed Guard, Cross-Sleeve & Belt Control, Reverse Scissors-Sweep to Crucifix

Paul Schreiner shares a technique with Marcelo inspired by Jean Jacques Machado: Starting from the Closed Guard with 2on1-Control, Paul scissors his legs apart and crosses his partner's arm, switching from their elbow to their belt; he...
Drilling Your Finishing Sequences from A to Z

Marcelo instructs his Advanced Class to practice ending combinations from feet to floor: Learn to look further ahead during your matches so that you can execute a plan from the start and build up momentum towards an eventual submission...
Single-Leg & Far Ankle-Pick from Open-Guard

Marcelo helps Spencer with a connectivity issue: Mitigate the amount of time your opponent has to assess which measures they should take to bypass your defenses; the longer you wait for the next move happen, the more danger you pose fo...
Mount Escape > Tripod Sweep

Marcelo & Jimmy help Bryan solve problems of connection and disconnection. When escaping out-the-backdoor from bottom-mount, you must push your opponent's hips away so that they cannot readily reconnect onto your back or side. When com...
Tripod Sweep from Open Guard → 1Leg X Guard Entry from Open Guard → 70/30 Guard Entry from Cross Guard

Marcelo Garcia personally demonstrates the proper movement for the lesson of the day during the technique drill session for his Advanced Gi Class. The "70/30" position is best utilized to keep your opponent from planting his lead leg b...
Posted: 2985 days ago
Reverse De La Riva Guard to Single-Leg X-Guard

Despite not having the Reverse De La Riva Guard as a part of his normal game, Marcelo walks Dillon through a way to transition from the Reverse DLR to Single-Leg X (or at the very least, Shin-to-Shin Single-Leg Control). Use your foot ...
Tripod Sweep from Open Guard, 1Leg X Guard Entry from Open Guard

Marcelo helps Munchie troubleshoot the Tripod Sweep from Open Guard; he shares some amazing micro-details that will increase the success of the sweep and progress toward 1Leg X-Guard.
Posted: 3979 days ago
De La Riva Guard Sweep

The De La Riva Guard is inconsistent and unreliable against an opponent attacking your feet.
Posted: 4297 days ago
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