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Rear Naked Choke
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If there's one major tip everyone should learn if they want to increase their Rear Naked Choke finishing percentage, it would be practicing the "Bottle Opener" technique. It's one thing to learn how and why it works; and it's an entirely different lesson altogether when it comes to actually applying it in the heat of battle. When you capture the back, from the Seatbelt with hooks or from the Crucifix, don't spaz out and start ripping at his chin with a crossface. Relax. Use the energy-conserving approach, and dig under his chin with short, quick wiggles of your wrist bone. Always make sure to attack in from the direction his chin points out -not from the sides. Quell your excitement during training, and take the time to TRY the move. If you fail and the opponent escapes, try it again next time. Try hard! It's worth it.

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tyler0351 (3628 days ago)  
I was hoping there was a discussion on this topic. Marcelo is always so good at getting under the chin but it's difficult to see how because he does it so quickly. This definitely illuminated what he's doing.
jmb2984 (4214 days ago)  
Check out MGInAction's Forum here:
Jiu Jitsu Kingdom (4686 days ago)  
Wise words from the Master, one of the best videos yet. It is the little details which make techniques extraordinary!
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