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Category: 'Guard/Open Guard/Open Guard/Bottom';
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Videos 1 to 25 of 31
Hand-Fighting from Open-Guard, De-La-Riva Guard Sweep

Marcelo & Ryan discuss grip-fighting from an Open-Guard: Getting into your offensive game from bottom position is largely a matter of mindfully tracking your opponent's hands and finding a way to momentarily dominate them before they c...
Leg-Control Variation from Omoplata

Marcelo shares with Josh & Ryan an anecdote about an outlier submission finish he witnessed by a teammate: When caught in an Omoplata, one must be mindful of their base when attempting to stand up with posture for an escape; your oppon...
Triangle Choke Variation

Master Fabio Gurgel briefly helps Chris & Jimmy find the correct strangling mechanics for the Teepee-Choke: After you've fastened your fingers together behind your own knees with an S-Grip, pinch your elbows downward while raising your...
Triangle-Choke and Reverse-Triangle

Master Fabio Gurgel walks around the room and helps Chris, Jimmy, Paul and Josh with the Reverse Triangle-Choke: When you reconfigure the topological chirality of your legs by switching the direction of your Figure-4 for the Reverse-Tr...
Posted: 288 days ago
One-handed Toe-Hold from One-legged X-Guard

Paul & Fabio experiment with a powerful foot-lock variation: Pinning your opponent's hips down with the Single-Leg X, place a bend in their knee while catching ahold of the tops of their toes with the palm of your hand. Let your weight...
Posted: 541 days ago
Aoki-Lock Defense

Marcelo counters a foot-lock that is gaining in popularity amidst competitors who are willing to skirt the rules in the gi: If your opponent attacks your ankle by hugging around it with an over-hook, quickly slip your foot free heel fi...
2on1 Control from Closed Guard, Cross-Sleeve & Belt Control, Reverse Scissors-Sweep to Crucifix

Paul Schreiner shares a technique with Marcelo inspired by Jean Jacques Machado: Starting from the Closed Guard with 2on1-Control, Paul scissors his legs apart and crosses his partner's arm, switching from their elbow to their belt; he...
Straight Footlock vs Open Guard

Marcelo talks with Joachim about attacking from 50/50: When one entangles their leg inside the 50/50, it enables the opponent to keep themselves locked into the position, if they so choose. It is generally much more prudent to place yo...
Posted: 752 days ago
Drilling Your Finishing Sequences from A to Z

Marcelo instructs his Advanced Class to practice ending combinations from feet to floor: Learn to look further ahead during your matches so that you can execute a plan from the start and build up momentum towards an eventual submission...
Single-Leg & Far Ankle-Pick from Open-Guard

Marcelo helps Spencer with a connectivity issue: Mitigate the amount of time your opponent has to assess which measures they should take to bypass your defenses; the longer you wait for the next move happen, the more danger you pose fo...
On Knee-Bars, Ankle-Locks, Toe-Holds, Calf-Slicers & Heel-Hooks

Marcelo shares his advice and preferences when it comes to hunting for foot-locks: What one actually does after they've entered in onto someone's leg is largely a matter of reaction; some opponents may try to flee at any cost while oth...
Omoplata Counter-Defense

Marcelo and Perry help Joel troubleshoot a finishing grip for an Omoplata: If your opponent is keeping up in defense against your Omoplata by scuttling their back on top of you while supinated face-up, try sidling out even faster with ...
Thoughts on Breaking-in New Mats

Marcelo inquires as to whether or not his students notice any tactical differences due to a brand new mat installation: We cannot control what kind of ground reaction forces we might encounter when it comes to the type of mats used for...
Obviating the Knee-Reap

Marcelo advises a student to be consciously aware of the specific configuration of leg entanglement he opts to employ in gi competition: Be wary of the direction your toes point when setting the exterior hook of your Single-Leg X-Guard...
Heel-Hook Prevention from X-Guard

Marcelo explains to Carlão how he should defend an inside/inverted heel-hook against the X-Guard: If your opponent attempts to control your foot, make it harder for them to capture your heel by keeping your top X-Hook taut again...
Posted: 1194 days ago
Mount Escape > Tripod Sweep

Marcelo & Jimmy help Bryan solve problems of connection and disconnection. When escaping out-the-backdoor from bottom-mount, you must push your opponent's hips away so that they cannot readily reconnect onto your back or side. When com...

Marcelo expresses his fear and respect for leg-locks. Prevention and avoidance are long-term strategies that can keep you on the mats injury-free. The severity of the oftentimes permanent damage that can potentially occur, even acciden...
Tripod Sweep from Open Guard → 1Leg X Guard Entry from Open Guard → 70/30 Guard Entry from Cross Guard

Marcelo Garcia personally demonstrates the proper movement for the lesson of the day during the technique drill session for his Advanced Gi Class. The "70/30" position is best utilized to keep your opponent from planting his lead leg b...
Posted: 2997 days ago
Heelhook Escape

Marcelo explains to Dillon that spending time developing and getting good at using the dimensions of your jiu-jitsu to avoid your opponent's strongest positions (e.g. Saddle/4-11/Honey-Hole/Uchisankaku Ashigarami) is more important tha...
Anklelock Escape from 1Leg X Guard

Marc asks Marcelo what to do if your opponent is keeping you from coming up with a Sweep from 1LX when he holds you in an Anklelock. If you can, grab the far arm and then slip your leg free after kicking his chest. If you can't grab th...
Breaking Gi Grips vs Stacking Pass, Elbow Push vs Stacking Pass, Foot Wipe vs Stacking Pass

Marcelo walks around during his Advanced Class to supervise his students' drilling of the lesson on Escaping the Single Leg Stacking Pass.
Straight Footlock Escape from Open Guard

Marcelo explains the ending maneuvers to pass against the opponent's obstructing knee after you've "put the boot on"
Posted: 3861 days ago
Reverse De La Riva Guard to Single-Leg X-Guard

Despite not having the Reverse De La Riva Guard as a part of his normal game, Marcelo walks Dillon through a way to transition from the Reverse DLR to Single-Leg X (or at the very least, Shin-to-Shin Single-Leg Control). Use your foot ...
Toehold from X-Guard, Toehold vs X-Guard, Roll Over Sweep from X Guard

Marcelo & Jon explore the possibilities involved with Foot-Locking from (and against) X-Guard. *Bonus* Paul Schreiner shares his bread-n-butter Half Guard Sweep, The "Jedi Mind Trick" (as popularized by Ryan Hall).
Tripod Sweep from Open Guard, 1Leg X Guard Entry from Open Guard

Marcelo helps Munchie troubleshoot the Tripod Sweep from Open Guard; he shares some amazing micro-details that will increase the success of the sweep and progress toward 1Leg X-Guard.
Posted: 3991 days ago
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