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Hand Fighting, 2on1 Cross, Collar and Elbow Control Hook Sweep, Ankle Pick
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4 Part Lesson - An opponent that sits and hand fights distantly needs to be baited into opening up and engaging. Push him into reacting, which creates an opportunity for you to cross his arm. In that moment, fire off and string together a sequence of techniques.

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marcelog002 (1300 days ago)  
Keep up the good work champ
BTTBJJ94 (2820 days ago)  
Beautiful stuff !
RPCVPurpleBelt (3495 days ago)  
I am having a question. I have a student who has very good low base in this position (he is a power lifter). When he starts to run away from the butterfly attack he raises the leg. When I go for the sweep he pinches his knees together while straightening up and sitting back down (he does not keep the knee up).

Is this a legitimate strategy for defense or is there are response that I am not feeling/seeing?

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