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Handfighting from Butterfly → Over/Under Control Hook Sweep from Butterfly → 2on1 Control → Single Leg X Guard Entry → Guillotine from Butterfly → Guillotine vs Side Control
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3 Part Lesson — Marcelo generates a sequence of timely movements to take the initiative away from his opponent: [I] The Hand-Fighting progression is as follows; (i) If your opponent crashes into your Butterfly, meet his advance with even resistance with your torso angled forward and pummel for Over/Under Control to Hook Sweep. (ii) If your opponent doesn't give up the Underhook, shove him away and re-pummel as he rebounds back into you. (iii) If your opponent doesn't react with enough space after the push, cross his arm with 2on1 Control and either claim the Underhook or dig underneath his base for X-Guard or 1Leg X. [II] If your opponent rips free from your attempt to control him with the 2on1 and he again, doesn't give up the space for the Underhook, snap his head down for the Guillotine Choke from Butterfly. [III] If your opponent jumps to the side to save himself from the Guillotine, flick him out of your guard, run belly-down to the Front Headlock, and swing your leg high over his back into Guard for the finish.

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marcelog002 (1304 days ago)  
Keep up the good work champ
battaile (3063 days ago)  
Yeah this was great, like a seminar in one vid.
kamranaghayev (3262 days ago)  
Brilliant lesson! Thank you so much Marcelo sharing your style. By watching your videos I completely changed my style 
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