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Underhook and Head Control vs Half Guard, Knee Slide Pass vs Half Guard
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2 Part Lesson — Marcelo passes the Half Guard Nogi: [I] Rely on Underhook & Head Control fastened together with a Gable Grip to attach to your opponent when not wearing the kimono; this is the best way to ensure that you do not lose positioning due to the lack of friction between your bodies. Offset your weight to the side and away from your opponent's hips. Place your foot flat on his knee and press your leg out of his Half Guard. [II] If your foot gets caught while trying to pass, weave your toes around his legs based on how he has chosen to interlace his feet; either with a traditional figure-four or reverse variant.

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marcelog002 (1543 days ago)  
Keep up the good work champ 
LucaM (2569 days ago)  
Oh snap, I just realized that the "Discussion" tab is kinda what I was asking for! Thought it was a textual forum of some sort. This is great!
LucaM (2569 days ago)  
Awesome degree of detail!
Maybe there could be a seperate video section ("tech talk") where advanced practitioners exchange  details about a certain technique, like a tiny podcast just about one technique.
Things like weight distribution, common mistakes, tweaks to work on/for different bodytypes, hand configuration when gripping etc...
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