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Partner Safety
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3 Part Lesson — Marcelo teaches an important lesson on partner safety: [I] If your throw from standing is defended, immediately remove your lead leg away from your opponent; he or she may drop their weight suddenly on top of your knee or ankle and inadvertently cause serious injury. This oftentimes happens when your opponent drops to pull guard, or jumps to take your back and set hooks. Marcelo suggests to exit the position and square back up with your partner as soon as you realize your technique is lost. Don't wait and hang out with your back and side exposed to your opponent's level of knowledge in terms of safe training. [II] If your opponent makes it behind your back, keep your feet away and sit down, hanging your weight on their arms. This is a better posture for avoiding the possibility of hurting your leg if your opponent decided to jump on you without sufficient base. [III] Awareness of this problem in training is important and if we can spread the message and remember this common situation that arises in many instances (coming up from the ground and going to the ground from pull, takedown, or back-take), we can avoid unnecessary injury and help promote a safer training experience.

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