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Technique: 'Back/Submissions - Rear Naked Choke';
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The Importance of Proper Technique

Marcelo & Mark briefly talk about the importance of technique over physical attributes, e.g. flexibility, strength, weight, reach, etc.: When developing and implementing one's game against an opponent, they should invest the majority o...
Posted: 134 days ago
Learning and Understanding the Importance of Connection

Master Fabio Gurgel concludes his nogi seminar with closing remarks about learning how to implement a successful game: Retention of a technical syllabus offered in a short duration is not paramount to one's improvement; rather, develop...
Posted: 254 days ago
Brown-Belt to Black-Belt

Marcelo shares insight on what it takes to reach the goal of black belt: Time on the mat is one of the biggest factors that determines one's promotion to their next belt level. It takes years of cultivating self-discipline and exhibiti...
Posted: 492 days ago
Purple-Belt to Brown-Belt

Marcelo, Marcos, and Paul explain how students should continue progressing through the ranks: Focus on constructing your own personalized plans for learning new things and improving; take responsibility for knowing which particular cou...
Posted: 492 days ago
White-Belt to Blue-Belt

Marcelo, Paul, and Marcos share wisdom pertaining to beginning and sustaining one's jiu-jitsu journey: One must remember that the benefits of jiu-jitsu come both on and off the mat; progress is oftentimes recognizable outside the gym i...
Posted: 498 days ago
Blue-Belt to Purple-Belt

Marcelo briefly shares his thoughts on getting promoted to the rank of purple belt: Making it to purple is matter of acquiring more responsibility as a practitioner of the art; one is expected to set a good example for others to follow...
Posted: 498 days ago
"This is how I approach jiu-jitsu."

Marcelo uses a piece of tape placed high above the class to explain his thoughts on approaching jiu-jitsu: Not enough competitors take full advantage of the start of a match; at the onset of a bout, one should take aim for a positive n...
Posted: 505 days ago
The Principle of Connection

Master Fabio Gurgel beautifully articulates to Gianni what it takes to become a world champion: Put pressure on your opponent the entire time so that they must defend with a manageably finite number of predictable reactions; prune away...
Posted: 519 days ago
Improving Technique: Drilling vs Sparring

Marcelo reminds his advanced class to focus on specific goals during live training: Getting better at certain moves is a matter of quality over quantity; repetition is still a factor, but any monotony should be tempered with variable r...
Posted: 519 days ago
Hey! Ho-Ho-Ho!, Let

'Tis the season for showing some holiday spirit towards one another: Marcelo quizzes his students and awards some training gear and apparel as prizes. He also wishes them a happy new year with much more jiu-jitsu training in store for ...
Posted: 527 days ago
Focusing on Smaller Errors

Marcelo briefly congratulates his team and reminds them of what to work on next: Competing successfully requires knowledge over several hierarchical domains; one must be sound in strategy, tactics, and technique. Each of these specific...
Posted: 541 days ago

Marcelo shares the two triggers that got him excited to go compete: The type of flooring material commonly used for competitions in Brazil known as Tatami has a particularly strong earthy smell, due to a combination of woven soft rush,...
Posted: 583 days ago
Fight-or-Flight Response

Marcelo breaks up the monotony of routine warm-ups by incorporating sprints and high intensity interval training the moment he senses a hint of contagious ennui beginning to grow in his advanced class: Pattern-breaking is an important ...
Posted: 589 days ago
Straight-Choke vs Mata-Leão

Marcelo describes the importance of mastering several finishing variations of the Rear Naked Choke: When applying your arm across your opponent's neck for strangulation, there are a multitude of ways to secure your grips so that your o...
Posted: 611 days ago
Respecting Your Opponent

Marcelo reminds his students on how to properly act on the mat: Avoid distractions that can become misconstrued during training with your partner; refrain from conversation while engaged in a roll. Focus on refining your technique rath...
Posted: 715 days ago
Arm Trap from the Back, Rear Naked Choke

Marcelo sheds light on his method for finishing the rear naked choke from back control: Create an imbalance of forces in hand-fighting by temporarily trapping your opponent's arm with your leg; utilize your free leg, i.e. the top-side ...
Training for Success Against Tough Opponents

Marcelo talks with Max about technical conditioning for confidence in difficult situations: If you encounter diffidence in initiating a particular direction of attack after having it met with resistance from your opponent, you can circ...
Posted: 738 days ago
Spending Energy on the Mat

Marcelo reviews his thoughts from the World Championships: Build up the experience to always go for the finish and leave the match out of the hands of the referee(s); remember to use your energy only for when it counts, and to save it ...
Posted: 744 days ago
Doing the Best You Can with a Plan

Marcelo gives his class advice on competing well: Focus on specifics to obtain your goal. Thinking about losing or the pressure of its repercussions doesn't help. Start with simple things first; stance and footwork, grip-fighting skill...
Posted: 869 days ago
Taking Short-Cuts and Making Long-Cuts

Marcelo jokingly admonishes some of his students for their ingenuity in creating a work-around for a missing elevator button to get to the third floor of the academy's building: A big part of training jiu-jitsu is practicing efficiency...
Posted: 898 days ago
On Proactive Versus Reactive Games

Marcelo speaks on stylizing one's offensive and defensive measures: Figuring out how you should approach which moves to connect together in forming one's own game may prove challenging; it is recommended that you find a balance between...
Posted: 920 days ago
On Competitive Mentality

Marcelo shares his thoughts on how one should strategize for a match: Approach a tournament bout with the mindset that you will force your opponent to play catch-up rather than running down the clock and edging them out via points. Get...
Posted: 920 days ago
On Youth Programs & Learning Jiu-Jitsu for Kids

Marcelo recalls his first class experience with martial arts: Educating children in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can be a very rewarding and positive aspect of any school, but it is certainly not without its challenges; instructors must be able...
Posted: 925 days ago
Consistently Setting New Goals

Marcelo reminds his class of the importance of constantly improving: Every new class is an opportunity to work on getting better at your jiu-jitsu; however, you cannot simply leave this to chance. Remember to come in with a plan for wh...
Posted: 939 days ago
Preventing & Dealing with Injuries Before a Competition

Marcelo shares his advice for how much time to take off for recovery before a major tournament: Taper down on the intensity and risk-taking aspects of your training several days prior to competing; accidentally getting hurt or exacerba...
Posted: 954 days ago
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