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Sprawl vs Takedown, Taking the Back from Front Headlock, Collar and Elbow Control Knee Slide Pass vs Butterfly, Taking the Back vs Single Leg
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4 Part Lesson — Marcelo explicates on the matter of Taking the Back from the Front Headlock Position: [I] If your opponent takes a shot on your legs, continually Sprawl your legs back until your knees and hips are free from his control. Utilize Collar and Elbow Control to snap his posture down, allowing you to spin around to his back for the Seatbelt. [II] Similarly, if your opponent turns in on a Single after passing his Seated Guard with a Collar & Elbow Knee Slide, maintain the control as he assumes the Turtle Position to snap him down and spin around for the Back. [III] If your opponent happens to catch your leg as you spin around to his back, go straight back to the Front Headlock Position to Sprawl. Use the headlock to take his arm away from your path to spin around and Take his Back on the next attempt. [IV] If you realize your opponent begin retracting away from the Front Headlock, don't spin around for the Seatbelt without first tugging his posture forward to avoid clashing after you release the hold.

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