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Single Leg from Half Guard > X Guard Entry from Deep Half
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3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo sweeps against the Knee-Cut Pass: If your opponent is able to cross their lead leg into a Knee-Cut Pass (-Slice, -Through, -Over, -Slide, et al.), lock your legs high around their calf with a pinching figure-four Half Guard. Rest their knee on your belly rather than letting it come across your thigh for the intended pass. Use both hand to strip off the Collar Grip used to push you back flat, and immediately turn over onto your side attacking a Single around the trapped knee. Use your bottom arm to keep your opponent's knee off the mat while lying on your side. Bump the opponent forward with your knee behind their hips to help relieve enough weight to come up onto your knees for a Single or Double. [06:32] If you are seated upright and hug your opponent's leg, try your best to keep your free hand away from the opponent's grip. If they do find your sleeve and pull you flat, tuck your elbow in closely to your side and circle your hand until the grip loosens or breaks. Before your opponent has a chance to re-secure the grip on your sleeve, bump them forward and attack the sweep. [11:26] If your opponent is insistent on keeping you down as you try to come up with their leg, dive under and go for Deep Half. You can recompose Y-Guard or X-Guard, or simply wedge a Reverse Knee-Shield to help build your base up for the Take-Out-the-Trash Sweep.

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