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Bridge-Escape from Half-Guard, Frame Escape vs Half-Mount
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Marcelo gives defensive advice to Ric & Jon regarding Half-Guard on bottom: There exist multiple methods and variations on how to elicit a technical response from your opponent so that you can find room to pummel with your arm for an accompanying Under-Hook when playing a Half-Guard game; e.g. 'Giggler' Sweep, 'John Wayne' Sweep, et al., however, effectively trapping your opponent's knee in place is only part of the battle. Look to plant your foot underneath your opponent so that your bridge can help carry their weight as you continue to push off the ground towards the outside. If your legs cannot find any play to help initiate movement, utilize different levels of framing according to how your opponent tries to maintain pressure on top; opt for a bent-arm frame and push them away from your chest to create a large enough gap to pummel your hand inside-out for the Under-Hook. If they stay low by your belt, lock-out your arms and post against their head and/or shoulders as you look to either hip-escape, or post a foot on their hip, in order to retain space and recover back a better place from which you can launch a follow-up attack. Manipulating your opponent's weight when they get close and overtop of your hips and frames is the key to reversing many bad positions on bottom. If you cannot readily keep them on the outside with your legs from guard, continue working on preventing them from placing any of their bodyweight against you by using your arms to help mitigate any potential passing opportunities.

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