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Breaking Gi Grips vs De-La-Riva, Transition to Mount vs De-La-Riva, Over Under Pass vs Half Guard, Leg Over Pass vs Half Guard
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2 Part Technique - Dismantle your opponent's Open Guard by immediately addressing his grips and warding away his De-La-Riva hook with your knee. After breaking off his grip from your collar, vault over his inside knee, landing in mount, and search for the underhook for the Over Under Pass versus Half Guard. If the arm you need to overhook is still pinched after you splash on top of him, maintain the pressure and continue on with the pass but with his arm trapt underneath your chest. If he is grabbing onto your sleeve, rotate around his wrist and yank your hand free. Since he will more than likely re-grab your sleeve after you break, grab onto his hand before vaulting over into the three-quarter mount position. If there is no underhook to pummel for, hug his body close to your chest and then swing your free leg over his chest to dismount into the Leg Over Pass.

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trout_tapout (4346 days ago)  
There are some great details in this video.
akabubbles (4346 days ago)  
hi guys I have been trying the over under pass in sparing but having no success, I feel I cannot get the last part of the technique (can’t find the knee with my foot , also I notice the guys are scooting out on their side and I am losing chest to chest control. Any advice, i love this pass but I doubt myself.
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