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Hand Fighting from Butterfly, 2on1 Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly, X Guard Takedown from X Guard
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2 Part Technique - The 2on1 is a reliable and versatile control that expresses a junction of opportunities. Use the control to force the opponent into movement and anticipate his different reactions. Depending on which leg the opponent defensively posts, indicates a different attack by Marcelo. Right leg - Hook Sweep, Left leg - 1 Leg X Guard and X Guard. — Marcelo teaches his students a lesson on the 2on1 from Butterfly and subsequent sweeping opportunities from the control: Beginning from Butterfly Guard, capture 2on1 control by gripping the opponent's same-side hand, clinching the cross sleeve, tucking the wrist, crossing the arm, and cupping the elbow. Next, your opponent will more than likely offer up two distinct possibilities to counter and break your 2on1; stepping up with the same-side leg or with the cross leg. If he plants the cross foot, he gives up an easy Hook Sweep. If he posts the same-side foot, use your Butterfly Hook to kick his leg up onto your shoulder and set your X-Hook across his far thigh for the X-Guard. Feed your remaining pistol grip to your hoist-side hand to prevent him from framing against your face when you sit up. Extend your hooks, perform a technical lift, and dump your opponent foward, smashing his legs and hips on top for the Takedown Sweep.

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