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Seat belt Control from Back → Crossed Arms Control from Back
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2 Part Lesson — Marcelo shows "Weak-Side" Back Control Maintenance: Keep your hands locked in the Seatbelt slightly higher up toward the opponent's neck to make it more difficult to escape; if your grip comes low it can be much more readily broken. If your opponent manages to place a forearm inside the Seatbelt to break open your grip, simply release the hold and reapply the lock before your opponent can latch onto your hands. When laying on the side of your Rear-Underhook, make sure to actively place your head underneath the opponent's head to prevent the escape. [3:44] Don't release your grip to reset the Seatbelt Control if your opponent isn't forcefully pushing away to break the hold; if the pressure is moderate, insist on maintaining the Seatbelt against the resistance. If the Seatbelt breaks open and you cannot immediately reclaim the same position, hunt down the opponent's wrists and grab them. It doesn't matter if you are grabbing same-side or criss-cross, when the opponent tries to make a move, jump right back to the Seatbelt Control.

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