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Single Leg Counter > Guillotine vs Takedown > Guillotine from Front Headlock
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3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo explains ipsilateral versus contralateral Guillotine-Choke finishes against his opponent's Single Leg Takedown attempt: If you try slipping out of your opponent's shot by stiff-arming their shoulder and clearing your knee and ankle, but your opponent comes up with your foot in hold, whip back facing your opponent and snap their head down onto your preferred choking forearm. If your opponent picks up your leg on the same side as your main choking arm (ipsilateral, same-side) sit down, pass the head under your armpit, and swing your free leg over the back for the finish. If your opponent takes up your leg on the side opposite of your favorite choking arm (contralateral, opposite-side), pull guard but turn onto your hip and rely on the High-Elbow Guillotine finish. [04:39] If your opponent let's go of your leg while you are going for the choke, snap him or her down to the mat into the Front Headlock/Sprawl Position and rework the strangle from here. [06:58] When applying the contralateral counterattack, allow your free foot to cut under your hips and find the outside of your opponent's leg when pulling guard.

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