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Take-Down Sweep from Partial X-Guard Entry
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Marcelo and Phil help Brendan better understand his timing for a sweep from guard: Whenever you get underneath your opponent's base for a deep/cross variant of an Open-Guard (i.e., "Partial" X-Guard; "Lagarto"-X, "Over-Hook"-X, "Velvet"-X, Y-Guard, Joga-Fora-no-Lixo, et al.), opt for an Under-Hook against their near-side leg as you transition into the entry. Doing so will often catch your opponent off-guard in terms of defending their base; under-hooking the leg grants you access to the opponent's hip while also depriving them of foot-to-floor contact via body-wedge mechanics. If they reallocate their weight such that they are learning away to prevent off-balancing, you can pummel for feet for "Full" X-Guard. However, if they maintain centered over your "Partial" X-entanglement, you can snatch your opponent's far-wrist for an easy "Dump"-style sweep. If they defend, you can upgrade into X-Guard. If they don't offer the wrist readily, oftentimes you can entice it closer by capturing your opponent's head with a Collar-Tie while still under-hooking their leg. This particular variation of sweeping from an incomplete X-Guard is best done without telegraphing your intent. Don't charge up the move with pendulating momentum; rather, surprise your opponent with a short burst or pulse of your legs kicking out as you sit up for top position.

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