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Breaking Gi Grips vs Closed Guard, Circling Pass vs Scissor Sweep, Over Under vs Half Guard
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3 Part Technique - Make the first move, and the last move. While inside Closed Guard, pop off any grips on your collar by yanking either from the opponent's wrist or his sleeve, and then prop yourself up in good posture with grips over his sternum. You can't let him build upon a free move; if he makes a move, you address it right then and there. If he opens up for the Scissor Sweep, latch onto his gi and sprawl heavily onto his legs. Before he can close you back inside, run your hips out of his guard and circle around for the pass. Anytime your opponent opens up to attack from Closed Guard, get out and around; don't wait or settle back inside. Even if get stuck in Half Guard as you circle around, you will have improved upon your positioning, especially if you can gain an underhook as you drive yourself foward for the Over Under Pass.

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elementsbjjcanada (4146 days ago)  
Does anyone know why Marcelo said to position the head on one side for gi, and the other for no-gi?

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