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Gi Training May 2012
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Marcelo training with Ryan Hall BLACKB L3T

Opponent Rank: Black Belt; Weight Category: Feather;

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mybodyhurts (3713 days ago)  
It's really amazing just how good Marcelo is.
josephwestbrook (3935 days ago)  
This is a late reply the gi the "White Mamba" from Shoyoroll.  Man, this goes to show the difference between excellent and elite.  Marcelo's bjj is just on a different planet. Wow
curthoward (4387 days ago)  
@Marciosilva, Thanks
kjhussey (4388 days ago)  
Wow.  As someone who has rolled with (and been absolutely trounced by) Ryan Hall, this is even more amazing to watch.  Also, first time I've ever seen Marcelo footlock anyone.
tmoon (4388 days ago)  
Question re Marcelos height.  In this video, especially at the end, there seems to be very little difference between Marcelos and Ryans height.  I heard Ryan is 5'10, but I always thought Marcelo was 5'7 - 5'8?  No biggie but I always thought it was kinda cool that I'm 5'8 also so it gave me inspiration that someone my size was beating much larger opponents.  But maybe Marcelo isn't really that small after all?

Either way, this was an amazing clip of them rolling for sure.
trout_tapout (4390 days ago)  
That first attack was so choice!  This website is amazing.
Marciosilva (4390 days ago)  
Shoyoroll, White Mamba limited editions,they dont make them anymore!
curthoward (4390 days ago)  
Ryans Gi is pretty slick, can anybody tell me what kind of Gi this is???
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