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2on1 Control from Butterfly, 1Leg X Guard Entry, 1Leg X Guard to X Guard, Pluck-N-Chuck Sweep from X Guard, Collar-Tie Sweep from X Guard
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2 Part Lesson — Marcelo teaches two complementary sweeps from X-Guard: [I] Starting with 2on1 Control, cross his arm to expose his base for a Hook Lift to 1Leg X, and then transition to X-Guard while still maintaining control of his wrist. When the opponent tries to break your grip around his wrist, release the hold and trade it for his other wrist, thus intercepting his defense. As soon as you can hold both his far arm within the X-Guard, kick, sit up, and dump him over to the top. [II] If your opponent bases or posts against your first sweep forward, snap on a strong Collar Tie and take him over the opposite way. Avoid the potential Triangle attempt by holding the opponent's leg tightly after you sweep.

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