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Over/Under Control from Half Mount → Knee Cut Pass vs Half Guard
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2 Part Lesson — Marcelo reviews his Half Guard Pass: [I] Flatten your opponent down in Half Mount with Over/Under Control, making sure to place your head low and to the side opposite of your underhook when wearing the gi. Lay heavily on the opponent's arm caught by your Overhook and raise your knee up high enough to place your foot on top of his thigh. Press down until your knee slips out enough to cut across into Side Control. [II] If your opponent is making it difficult to put your foot on his knee, use the hand of your Overhook to press his leg back down within reach of your foot for the pass.

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bjjbergeron (3351 days ago)  
It seems this is the exact video that was also uploaded on 3-31-15. I'm new to the site so I don't fully understand it all yet. But is the featured video of the day (the one that's always in the upper right hand corner with the "watch now" button underneath it) supposed to be what Marcelo showed that day or at least his latest lesson? or are they more often videos of past lessons that are just re-posted and "moved to the front of the line" for lack of a better phrase?
(Btw, I had this pass working well for me last week, so thank you!)
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