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Triangle Escape vs Closed Guard → Posture Escape vs Triangle
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4 Part Lesson — Marcelo demonstrates his go-to Triangle Escape Series: [I] Connect your hands together, brace against the opponent's stomach, and wedge your knee against his hip on the same side as your trapt arm. Undo the danger by either slipping your outside arm back inside his guard or taking your caught arm out. If you cannot do either option, continue to press on his stomach until his pressure exhausts and you can break free out of the Triangle position. [II] If your opponent tries to break your hands apart, and is beginning to succeed, release your grip and immediately reset back to his stomach. Otherwise, maintain your grip until his legs tire and the threat is mitigated. [III] Swat your opponent's hands off of your head whether bent down with your posture broken or when your opponent's arms are long enough to reach your head while postured up. Return immediately back to his stomach with both hands to maintain the distance for the break. [IV] You cannot swat lightly; angle your strike to his arm just at the elbow and slightly outward to encourage a slip.

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