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Crucifix Armbar from Back
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3 Part Lesson — Marcelo explicates the intricacies behind his Crucifix: [I] If your opponent assumes a tight Quad-Pod Position (on all-fours) with his or her elbows protecting against the jump to Back Mount, insert your Near-Side Knee behind the triceps and swing your foot inside-out to catch the Crucifix Position. Your outside/far leg will stay away to keep your base on top as you look to dig for the choke. If he or she tries to roll to escape or reverse your control, follow with the Seatbelt and switch your hook on the arm upon landing. If there are no finishing options, reset the position and belly-down to retake the top position. If you switch your Figure-Four, you can attack with the Crucifix Armbar. Combine the threat of the choke and the armlock together to increase your odds of submission. [II] If your opponent points his thumb down toward the mat to relieve the pressure from the Armbar, rotate your hips onto your side and thrust your hips behind the elbow in parallel with the floor. [III] Swing your foot high above your opposite knee to ensure that you don't lose your opponent's arm during the transition from Near/Inside-Leg to Far/Outside-Leg Figure-Four around the arm in Crucifix.

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