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Breaking the Closed Guard → Kick Escape vs Closed Guard
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2 Part Lesson — Marcelo implores his students to rise to their feet when inside the Closed Guard: [I] Stand-Up inside of the Closed Guard as soon as possible; but first make sure your opponent is not all ready undertaking an offensive manipulation with their hands. You don't necessarily have to control your opponent's wrists, but you do have to prevent them from gaining control over yours or your sleeves with grips. Pop up to your feet and turn your attention toward the inside of your opponent's leg on the side of your dominant (for pushing down; triceps extension) arm to pry open the Closed Guard. Make sure to angle your trail leg underneath your pant grips so as to not press the leg counter-productively into your own thigh. You may need to switch out your leg for your preferred lead side stance. [II] If your opponent tries to grab your legs while you are standing for a sweep, kick your foot out of their grip and step back out of reach. If the hook around your ankle from the outside, kick up and out from the inside; if they under-hook your leg, kick up and step from the outside back and in.

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