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Single Leg Counter > Guillotine vs Takedown > Taking the Back from Front Headlock
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2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo extends his lesson on catching a Guillotine to counter a Single: If you cannot brace against your opponent's shoulders and slip your knee followed by your foot out of reach, turn away and yank backwards. If your ankle is stuck, whip back and look for two scenarios; if the opponent's head is low, snap it down and cover over top with a Guillotine set. If the head is high, jump up to help close the distance and snap it down onto your choking forearm with your grip made. You can begin squeezing from standing to make the opponent release your leg, or you can pull guard and pass the head under your choking armpit. If he or she has the Single with your leg opposite of the choking side, find any way to prevent the them from passing; if they have the Single with your leg on the same-side as the Guillotine, take a Half or Butterfly Guard and swing your free leg outside over the back. [05:18] If your opponent releases the Single Leg to protect his or her neck and begins prying at you hands, snap the opponent down to all-fours and spin around to the back. If they are kneeling already while peeling at your grip, get off your hips and back to your knees for the Front Headlock Position.

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