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Passing to Mount
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2-Part Advanced Lesson -- Paul passes directly to Full-Mount after breaking open his opponent's Closed-Guard: Once you've successfully forced your opponent's Closed-Guard to break open, don't allow them to place their feet against your body as frames; make grips on their lapels to help pull yourself close and establish a strong elbow-knee connection on both sides. Push your knee across their same-side hip and staple their leg to the mat while raising your other knee up off the ground to shelve their opposite leg (i.e., Knee-Outside Pass, Ananais Pass, et al.). Rather than passing laterally towards Side-Control, one can opt to travel straight up for the Mount-Position. Establish a strong Cross-Face set with your fingertips inside their far-armpit, and then use your free-hand to help clear their shelved leg down for a Butterfly-Mount. Release your hooks simultaneously and prepare to maintain the Mount. [4:19] Pummel a far-side Under-Hook against your opponent's arm to help prevent them from effectively using their hand to prevent your pass. If your opponent tries to capture your foot inside of a Quarter-Guard as you look to take the Mount, quickly divert your progress and pummel your foot across their top-side leg as a hook before settling back down into a straddle.

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