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Leg-Over Pass vs Deep Half-Guard, Rear-Naked Choke from Crucifix
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Advanced Lesson Part 1 of 2 -- Paul redirects his opponents Deep-Half entry into a Rear-Naked from the Crucifix: If your opponent is able to secure your outside leg from Half-Guard or Reverse De-la-Riva, and pull you over top for a Deep Half-Guard, quickly modify your base by switching your weight from knee to opposite knee and latch onto their triceps. Create space on top to pass your leg across their face so that both knees are now on the same-side of your opponent's body; allow them to turn over onto their knees where you can meet them with a Crucifix from the Back. Once behind your opponent with their arm still trapped in between your knees, work against their neck and remaining arm until you can sink in the Rear-Naked Choke.

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