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Double Leg Sweep from Lapel Half Guard
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2-Part Advanced Lesson -- Bernardo utilizes the lapel to his advantage for a set of interconnected sweeping options: If your opponent manages to bypass your ''sandwich'' and is able to place their knee across your thigh while you are playing with the lapel, find the correct off-balance by ramming their backside with your top-knee. Stay heavy on their leg to prevent them from scrambling to their feet and offering you a chance at trading up for a back-take. [1:44] If your opponent doesn't commit their knee forward into a cut nor do they try back-stepping into the negative, simply switch your base and come up onto your knees for a takedown-style finish. You may attempt a Single-Leg at first or even reach for their far-leg to enact a Double-Leg. Use your grip to help keep your head tight against their hips and act as extra leverage when breaking their balance for the sweep. Switch between the several possible iterations of grips to their legs until they succumb to the pressure of your attack. Don't give your opponent time to figure out how to break the Lapel-Grip you made from the very start of the sequence.

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