Spiral Armbar Counter vs Under Hook from Side Control
Marcelo uses his opponent's escape against themself: If your opponent manages to seize an Under-Hook from the bottom of Side-Control, you cannot always directly attack their far-arm with a Kimura; they may try to turn up onto their side and begin to escape or attack using their Under-Hook. When you feel this happening, you can swing your leg across their torso behind their elbow when it opens up during their transition. Timed correctly, you will end up in a Reverse Technical-Mount (a.k.a Reverse S-Mount, Marcelo-Mount, et al.) with your opponent's arm isolated onto your lap and pinched between your thigh and triceps. Take a step with your foot outside just enough to maneuver your hips alongside the ground next to their trapped shoulder as you swing your other leg across their chest into a modified triangular trapping position. Keep this leg across their chest heavy to prevent them from sitting up to escape while you work to bend your free-leg behind your opponent's elbow for the tap.