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Technique: 'Side Control/Controls - Under Hook and Head Control from Sid...';
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Hand-Fighting from Side-Control

Marcelo helps Jon with a highly nuanced problem after passing: If your opponent is strongly defending and depriving you of a moment to advance and take more from them, adjust accordingly by intensifying your driving base and sophistica...
Open-Elbow Theory & Practice

Marcelo explains the subtle, yet critical aspect of keeping track of your elbows in relation to your upper body when defending against and opponent's under-hooks and/or recovering from bottom position: Keep your elbows tight against yo...
Strategies for ADCC Rules

Marcelo, Jon, Scott, and Matheus talk about ADCC-style rulesets: Setting a hard, steady, and fast pace right from the get-go is a great way to throw off your opponent's rhythm for dragging you into deep water and eking out minor decisi...
Arch Support

Marcelo briefly shares a key detail about how to make yourself feel heavier and become more stable on top: If you can integrate your core and re-align your barycenter while establishing top position, or when reacting to an action from ...
Double Over-Hook Control, Hook-Sweep from Butterfly, High-Elbow Pummel to Side-Control
Under Hook and Head Control from Side Control

Marcelo helps Jon make slight adjustments for pinning his opponent. Drive with your toes and be patient when your opponent is struggling to defend. If they turn over hard towards Turtle, be ready to let them expose their back for the t...
Posted: 1283 days ago
No Hierarchy; Only Respect. — MG on Mat Safety

Marcelo, Flo, Matheus, and Scott help demonstrate a commonplace scenario in a crowded mat-space. Always be mindful of your surroundings. Developing an awareness for what's happening around you while you roll is not only important for y...
Posted: 2388 days ago
Pair Proximity Protocol Part Deux

Marcelo explains his Academy Rule for protecting pairs during hard rolling. Traditionally, most schools insist on a hierarchy wherein lower belts cease rolling and get out of the way of higher belts. Marcelo does not follow this policy...
Posted: 2970 days ago
Pair Proximity Protocol

Marcelo stresses vigilance when training, beyond the normal scope of you and your training partner. No matter how much mat space is involved, eventually two groups when given enough time during live training and against all odds, will ...
Posted: 3770 days ago
Under Hook and Head Control from Side Control, Posture Escape vs Triangle

Marcelo explains his attitude when arriving into Side Control; Keep alert and tense for the submission opportunity; there are more submissions available outside of the opponent's guard, and finishing the opponent early can make a huge ...
Under hook and Head Control from Side Control, Knee On Belly

Anne-Claude asks Marcelo how to properly close the distance for Side Control with Underhook & Head Control when the opponent is beginning to Frame. The key is to misalign the direction of the opponent's arm so that it is in an inferior...
Posted: 4322 days ago
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