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Bridge Escape vs Side Control, Frame Escape vs Double Under Control, Over Under Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly, Hook Lift from Butterfly
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3 Part Lesson — Paul explicates key details in Escaping Side Control and immediately Sweeping from Butterfly: {I} Trace your pinky toe along the mat to the inside space between your opponent's legs after a Bridge Escape; this low movement will allow you to play Butterfly Guard and potentially the Hook Sweep if you also apply a Frame against his collarbone as you sit up. {II} Frame underneath your opponent's chin with your forearm if he prevents you from sitting up. Scoot your hips underneath after pummeling for Over/Under Control and elevate his weight for the Hook Sweep. {III} Do not underestimate the action of your bottom leg while applying the Hook Sweep from Butterfly Guard; you must post off of the mat to help raise the opponent up, breaking his connection with the mat. If you encounter trouble sitting up with the Frame, cup behind his triceps to rock him forward, allowing you to extend your hooks away and sit up into his weight as he settles back down.

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battaile (3621 days ago)  
Yeah, I love the tip about moving your hips to the sweeping leg...stuff like that I never forget even if I forget the fine points of a specific technique
tanlo (3849 days ago)  
Paul needs to do a "concepts" video. I could listen to him discuss the fine details of BJJ all day!
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