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Hand Fighting from Butterfly
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3 Part Lesson — [I] If you start strong, finish strong. If you're hip-escaping down a mat and you are almost to the end, don't let yourself loosen up and lazily stop being technical throughout your movement just because you're close to finishing. [II] Don't let your opponent gain grips on your pants while playing Seated Butterfly Guard. Playing while your posture is upright rather than flat on your back against the mat because you are more mobile and place your opponent farther away in terms of securing a pass. Aim to never let him touch your legs, but if he does manage to catch your pants with his fingers, at least don't let him harden his grip. Knock his hands away before he can settle. If you feel like you cannot just use your hand, extend your leg out as you pull his wrist to help break off his grip. [III] If you accidentally let your opponent make a strong grip on your leg, dedicate both hands to his hand to help break it off. However, because you have to gang up on his arm, he will have one hand free to grab your other leg. While you break yourself free from the first grip, extend your opposite leg away from his free hand to avoid getting stuck in a new strong grip. Once you break free from the initial grip on your leg, continue to control his arm with both hands and turn it immediately into a set-up for a sweep; e.g. 2on1 Control to Cross Arm Belt Sweep from Butterfly.

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2on1 Control from Butterfly:
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Breaking Gi Grips from Butterfly:
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Hand Fighting from Butterfly:
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Cross Arm and Belt Sweep from Butterfly:
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