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Bow and Arrow Choke from Back
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3 Part Technique - Depending on what the opponent gives you, either zip your choking hand up the collar or immediately open it and secure the grip to start the choke. Pass your leg over the opponent's stomach, reach deep under his leg, and stretch the body to finish a standard Bow and Arrow Choke. You need to control the leg for the submission, so it common for the opponent to prevent the choke by circling his legs away. Counter his escape by sitting up while continuing a strong collar grip and leaning to the side to reach under the leg again. If you are unable to sit up, force the opponent to roll over your leg instead.

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saungkh (4949 days ago)  
That is one of the best Bow and Arrow choke classes I have seen Marcelo teach so far. As Marcelo walked through how to respond to the counters it helped me to get a better understanding of how to escape the choke.
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