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Double Guard Pull
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5 Part Lesson -- Marcelo gives a strategic approach towards winning IBJJF tournaments: Oftentimes we inflate the import of competition and construct irrational fears that can hinder our performance. Competition is a test to help us practice overcoming the ego and controlling our mind when the stakes seem high. If we want to make less mistakes and minimize the error of our choices in a match, we have to put ourselves under the duress of sportive situation to learn and improve. [09:35] When starting a match, find a control and deny your opponent the same; you can use your grip to shoot for a takedown or pull guard into an attack. If your opponent pulls guard simultaneously, pummel your feet inside and stand up in base. Don't let your opponent get underneath you or pull you into Closed Guard. Take the risk involved in passing your opponent's guard given that you are awarded an advantage for it; this will force your opponent to take more risks and give you more chances to find a weakness for an attack of your own. [16:22] Practice standing up from Double-Guard with strong base. Keep one hand on the lapel to prevent your opponent from sitting up and point your knees outward to make it difficult for setting hooks. [17:00] Just because you only need a single point of contact to legally initiate a Guard-Pull, doesn't mean you shouldn't actively seek a meaningful grip with your other hand. You should organize your grips so that when you rise up for the advantage, you are ready to pass or submit your opponent. [21:54] Stabilizing yourself on top in your opponent's broken Open-Guard is huge advantage even without the virtual point awarded by the rules. Stymying the momentum of your opponent's game is valuable and helps you set your own pace for the match.

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