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Frame Escape vs Over Under Pass, Omoplata from Open Guard
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2 Part Technique - If your opponent lays you onto the side that favors his Underhook for the Over Under Pass, trade your failed underhook for an inside tie against his crossface and brace against his face with the Frame Escape. Using your extended arm to keep distance between you, escape your hips until you have enough space to chop down on his shoulder with your leg for the Omoplata. Quickly sit up to claim the top position and finish the shoulderlock by tucking your feet back, holding onto his far shoulder, and leaning forward with your hips. If he prevents you from forming the complete frame against his Over Under Control from Half Guard by holding onto your sleeve, break his grip by spinning around his wrist in either direction until your hand is free to support your escape. Make sure to heavily drop your leg and hip-weight onto his shoulder to ensure that you have a chance to get on top.

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