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Hook Lift from Butterfly Half Guard vs Underhook Pass → Omoplata from Butterfly Half → Omoplata vs Standing Opponent
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2 Part Lesson — Marcelo applies a Shoulderlock against a Pass: [I] If your opponent crashes down after circling around your guard and finds an underhook, catch his leg in Half Guard to prevent the immediate pass and begin framing against both the overhook or crossface; this entails pummeling your near-arm to the inside. Once initially thwarted, start escaping your hip to the outside and insert your Butterfly Hook to lift him up an Omoplata. You will drastically increase your finishing percentage by concentrating your efforts in breaking the opponent's posture with the weight of your swinging leg -- chopping down on the shoulder. Without pause, sit up and climb across his back to grab the far shoulder for the finish. [II] If your opponent stands up, tighten up on his arm and look for collar as you rock your leg to drop him back down. Before climbing up, make sure to at least break the opponent's hand down to the mat with your legs to ensure the finish.

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