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Sweeping from X-Guard
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3 Part Lesson — Marcelo explains a subtle yet important aspect about sweeping from X-Guard against defensive opponents: [I] If your opponent is cautiously awaiting for your attack to happen so he or she may better time a neutralizing response, we must hide our intention of initiating the technique. If after you win the X-Guard from Butterfly with 2on1 Control, your opponent stabilizes his base, keeps a low center, and waits to explode free from your sweep, don't wind-up your attack. You must not telegraph your movement. Sneakily gather everything you need in terms of control for the sweep to be successful; in this case, the far sleeve should be captured. You can either explode out of rhythm from a static position, or feed the opponent noise with small perturbations in random directions. Grab your opponent's elbow before his moving to his wrist or sleeve for the sweep to give him a false sense of security in his defense. [II] If you lose control of the sleeve, immediately give your hand another job that helps you finish the sweep. Push the opponent back with your hand to prevent him from also counter-pushing you back down. The turnaround time for your hand should be short after you lose the grip to keep the momentum in your favor. [III] Imitating the correct scenario for drilling this concept may prove difficult. It is hard to simulate the difference one hand or one grip can make when two opposing momenta clash together at the tipping point between a sweep being scored or defended.

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