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De La Riva Guard Sweep -> Jumping on the Back
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3 Part Lesson - Marcelo dives to catch the back: [I] Starting from Open Guard with Cross-Wrist & Heel Control (aka Tripod Guard, Góes Guard, Foot-On-Hip, Cross Guard, et al.) weave your foot from the hip around your opponent's lead leg and apply a Deep de-la-Riva Hook to scoot behind into the Crab-Ride Position for a 'Baby-bolo' Back-Take. If your opponent remains standing and doesn't fall back or forward, pop the popliteal region behind your opponent's legs with your Crab-Hooks and quickly retract your feet underneath your butt to a Squat Position. Immediately look to catch your opponent's hips with your hands to begin attacking the back. [05:17][II] If your opponent rolls forward before you can stabilize your rear position, dive over with the opponent's somersault and catch their shoulder to help guide his or her hips onto your lap for the Seatbelt. [10:02][III] If you miss the chance to dive over and follow your opponent's back, be careful not to let them subvert your base and start controlling you from underneath; use your hands to keep them at bay and step away from the danger to avoid leg attacks.

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