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Breaking Gi Grips
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5 Part Lesson -- Marcelo stresses the need for timely reactivity when threatened by a Collar-Grip in various situations: If your opponent breaches your defensive wall via hand-fighting, immediately smack away his or her fingers from cinching around the fabric of your jacket. If they do happen to make a solid grip, find any convenient handles you can surrounding their wrist and yank off the grip as you carefully backpedal. Keep vigilant after the break for any follow-up attacks, especially your legs. [03:42] If your opponent manages to snag a grip on your elbow while you are attempting to break off the Collar-Grip, swing your elbow backwards after you clear your collar. Don't turn too far away from facing your opponent when yanking your elbow back to escape the second grip. [07:45] If your opponent grabs your leg for a takedown while you are still trying to strip away the Collar Grip, drop your body-weight through your elbow onto the opponent's shoulder as you sprawl your legs back out of control. [11:26] If your opponent has the Collar-Grip while holding you inside the De-la-Riva Guard, first find your base; point your knee against the DLR-Hook and remove the other foot away from your hip to either the inside or outside. Take your time to make a solid grip around the opponent's Collar-Grip and yank it off as you pull your body away. Prepare for follow-up attacks after you clear your collar; make grips and potentially back-step to avoid danger. [14:52] If you pull your opponent up from DLR into Seated Guard, avoid the possibility of allowing a Single Leg Takedown/Sweep by sprawling your leg away while breaking the Collar-Grip. Don't fall into your opponent's Open Guard after the Sprawl, land ready to manage the position and pass.

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