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Fighting from Butterfly
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4 Part Lesson -- Marcelo sweeps from Shin-on-Shin Guard: Never let your opponent freely step in between your Open/Seated/Butterfly-Guard to split with his or her lead leg without pummeling your foot inside as an active hook; a.k.a Koala Guard, Shin-to-Shin, Sit-Up w/Hook et al. Practice receiving your opponent's forward momentum and bracing against it so that you remain sitting upright and don't succumb to falling back flat where you can be pinned for an easier pass (e.g. Knee-Cut, Back-Step, et cetera). Remember to shrug your shoulders to protect your neck and also hand-fight against the far arm with your free hand. [05:16] If you can isolate the far arm (matching the same side as the opponent's trailing/outside leg), sweep the opponent by using your free foot to kick out the far leg in a style reminiscent of the 70's Sweep from De-la-Riva. [09:06] If your opponent steps close with his/her far leg, snatch it with your free hand into an Ankle Pick. [12:04] If your partner tries to Back-Step, release your control over the Single to catch the opponent's far leg into a Double.

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