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Standing Passes vs Single-Leg X-Guard
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2-Part Advanced Lesson -- Master Fabio Gurgel teaches two passes against Single-Leg X-Guard: The class warms up with a drill involving hand-fighting to Shin-on-Shin (a.k.a. Koala-Guard, Single-Leg Control w/ Butterfly-Hook, et al.), then transitioning underneath into the Single-Leg X (a.k.a. Leglock-Guard, Anaconda-Guard, Irimi-Ashigarami, Noose-Guard, et al.); next, the standing partner clears the foot off of their hip but is then met with an off-balance overhead allowing a recovery of the original standard positioning. [1:52] Fabio intercepts Matheus's Reverse Butterfly-Hook-Lift with a clever cross-post against the near-side hip behind a vault into a Half-Split (Hurdler's Stretch, et al.); his posting arm on the near-hip blocks Matheus from flexing his knee back inside to recompose SLX after extending for the off-balance. Before your opponent pummels their far-arm underneath your leg that is placed across their chest, captures it with your hands and prepare yourself to attack for an Omoplata or swing around to the opposite Side-Control. [4:52] If your opponent attempts to knock you down from the SLX for a sweep by rotating their inside-leg, you can maintain your base by stepping back while also gaining control over their leg by pummeling for a same-side under-hook. Use your other hand to grab the sole of their foot as you strip away their heel off of your lead-hip. When your opponent looks to free their foot from your control, toss their leg back and away as you perform a High-Step Pass (Flamingo-Pass, et al.) and lift your trail-leg over directly into Knee-on-Belly (a.k.a. Knee-Mount, Ukigatame, et al.).

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